5 ways to achieve overall wellness in 2021-22
5 ways to achieve overall wellness in 2021-22 The year 2020 has drastically changed our way of perceiving our lives. People all around the world had to adjust with the changed pattern of living in enclosed spaces for quite some months. In a nutshell, it affected many spheres of our lives including fitness. Fitness is an invincible part of human life. When we say fitness we mean overall wellness. Not just physical but, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social also. Total fitness is a much intertwined concept. Post pandemic, in 2021, the times have changed again for us. It has come with opportunities that we should seize without fail. It’s the time to make and create things that we lost grip on in 2020. Gautam Buddha once said, “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” Physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and social all contribute in our holistic fitness. Our bodies cannot work at the optimum level if any of these fa...